Thursday, December 19, 2013

Extracting values from an XML string using SQL query in oracle database

There are two methods you can use for extracting values from XML string (a column in a table). The column type will be XMLType.

These methods are EXTRACT(columnName, xpath). This returns list of nodes, also a record if extracting with a unique filter value.
You can also use ExtractValue(columnName, xpath) - This will work only for a single node, not for a collection of nodes. This way you can retrieve value from a unique record.

See examples below:

        <Street Number=1345>Monroe St</Street>

Assume this xml data in column
You can extract the street number attribute value using the query as below:

This can return multiple records:
select extract(columnName,'/Person/Address/Street/@Number') as StreetNumber from Table1;

For returning single record:
select extract(columnName,'/Person/Address/Street/@Number') as StreetNumber from Table1 where ID = 200;

Also For returning single record only:
select extractvalue(columnName, '/Person/Address/Street/@Number') as StreetNumber from Table1 where ID = 200;

I have used this and works like a charm.
Hope this finds useful to you also.